At LiveNew we believe that high quality education is absolutely necessary to create potential for sustained weight loss success. Because of this, we have created a paradigm that uses several very effective educational components ranging from individual assessments to group classes and therapy.

We have designed each one of our comprehensive weight loss curriculums to be specific to your weight loss treatment pathway and integrate preventative medicine [link to other page] and lifestyle treatments. This curriculum is then further personalized to fit your unique needs thorough individual dietary, counseling, and exercise physiology assessments. After this medically supervised weight loss classes are used to take this information and allow each patient to use it to transform baseline behaviors one goal at a time using lifestyle transformation therapy. Throughout this process we will partner with you to enhance your motivation for change which is critical to your potential for success. Additionally, for those who down the road find themselves in a situation in which live circumstances have conspired to get them off track, we also revisit motivational enhancement and refresher classes to guide you back to your lifestyle transformation journey.

When patients are appropriately empowered through the LiveNew educational pathway, weight loss and reversal of metabolic disease become a realistic destination.

If you are motivated to get effective weight loss education to transform your lifestyle, then come LiveNew today!

Harness the power to transform your life

Contact us now to start the next chapter of your life. Call (303) 269-4370, email [email protected], or click the link below.

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